10. The line "Don't use potato peeler tools!"
9. The implication someone has been using potato peeler tools on their dried out foot skin.
8. This:

7. The sheer volume of shavings this lady has produced.

6. Pouring foot scrapings anywhere but in a waste receptacle.

5. Wildly spraying foot scrapings around someone's home or studio.

4. The group shaving session.

3. The foot close-up of the group shaving session.

2. Any image that accompanies the word "before."

1. I own a Ped Egg, and my significant other, Rusty, has challenged me to a scrape-off.*
Stats: $10 + S&H for two Ped Eggs™.
Gently removes callouses and dead skin to give your feet the incredible baby soft look and feel that everybody loves.
Bonus feature: you can scrape callouses off of balloons.
Pros: You can scrape off your shameful, shameful protective foot skin in private.
Cons: Doesn't do anything a Graty can't do.
Verdict: Buy.
* I did not accept.
Don't hate me, but I actually own one (and love it). Bought it and Bed Bath & Beyond before I had ever seen the commercial. My work boot rubs part of my heel and builds up a callous and I need to get it off. But for the life of me, if I saved up three years of my shavings (gross) I would still not have as much crap to empty out of the ped egg as that lady in #6 did. Sick.